I recently got my grubby hands on a beautiful, but extremely heavy, 4' x 7' framed wall mirror; it probably weighs around 100lbs, if not a little more.
I know what (exterior) wall to mount it on, exactly where the mount-points are, and have already installed two wood screws (2" long) into the studs. The mirror came with a pre-installed wire, and I'm hoping that these two screws would be stable enough to hold the mirror.
When we tried actually installing the mirror, we tipped it onto one screw, and tried to pivot the rest of the mirror onto the second screw. In the 10 or 15minutes that this process took, I observed the first screw start to tilt downward a little bit. Didn't want to take chances with such a heavy object, and stopped the entire process.
Here's my questions: 01. What specific hook or other fastener can I use to safely hang this mirror? 02. Will just two such fasteners suffice, or should I use more? 03. Should I remove the mirror's wire and use just the D-rings that it came with? 04. If I use #03 above, what method should I use, considering that there aren't any studs close to the D-ring mount points?
Thank you!