I'm trying to replace a video doorbell in my new house. The installed video doorbell wiring was using two of the wires each of a 2 CAT5 cables.
- At the transformer:
- two Cat5 cables are coming out of the ceiling next to the transformer.
- The set of blue wires (solid blue and white with blue stripe (white/bs)) have been used.
- The previous install had two blue wires (one from each cat5 cable) twisted together, and two white/bs wires (one from each cable) twisted together. These were attached to the posts of the transformer (blue on one, white/bs on the other).
- At the doorbell chime, the cat5 cables come out of the wall.
- Here, however, they have blue wire from cat5 cable-1 and white/bs wire from cat5 cable-2 twisted together and attached to the trans post and the blue wire from cat5 cable-2 and white/bs wire from cat5c cable-1 twisted together and attached to the "front" post.
- At the doorbell, there is only one cat 5 cable coming out of the wall.
- The blue wire was attached to one post of the doorbell and the white/bs wire was attached to the other post.
I'm thoroughly confused on how this should be wired now. Do I need to be using wires from both of the cat5 cables or can I just use wires from one of them.
How do I determine which of the cat5 cables is the one that reaches the exterior doorbell?