I currently have a standpipe for a dryer (no p-trap and unvented) which connects (via some elbows) to a horizontal sewer line in the basement. I would like to (a) install a p-trap in the basement underneath and (b) drain condensate of my HPWH.

Please see the current setup along with a picture on the left. On the right, how I would want to install a part like this. As far as I know this would not be perfectly compliant because the washer should have 2". Hence I would consider building exactly the same myself out of PVC or ABS fittings.

enter image description here

Note: As far as I know AAVs are allowed where I live (San Mateo, California), but even if not, it would only improve the situation. I do not have the resources to create another vent or to connect to the vent from the BR sink. It is buried inside the wall and I do not want to open the wall.

  • what kind of HPWH do you have? Rheem proterra? Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 7:27
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    Yes, Rheem Proterra!
    – divB
    Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 7:56

1 Answer 1



The spirit of the code is such that if a clog were to appear after your AAV in the horizontal line then the debris laden water would fill the AAV and if it didn't leak there it would then push up and out your condensate surgical tubing back into your condensate pump. Just having the debris laden water move into those places can cause crud to build up and plug those drains.

I'd drill a hole in the floor from the basement up to the washer stand pipe and use a dishwasher input so the condensate can be up higher than the next flood level - the top of the BR vented sink. I'd put the p-trap per your plan. I'd add another Y for your AAV but take it up to the floor above and have the AAV at a level above the washer standpipe.

enter image description here

  • Thanks! Is the reason why you'd put the AAV all the way up so that you avoid filling the AAV in case of a clog? Then I will still need to cut the wall open. Is there no way without? Finally, what's the reason you'd route the condensate all the way up, rather than draining it as I showed?
    – divB
    Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 7:55
  • One more question: Do you have a reference what a "dishwasher input" is?
    – divB
    Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 8:16
  • Dishwasher Y with 1/2" inlet. Yes the backup and then clog potential potentially also leak on AAV I don't know if those would be water tight. Commented Nov 4, 2023 at 16:32
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    seems like HD usa just sells it as a tail piece.... homedepot.ca has them.... I've used them for condensate attachments quite a few times. There are 1 1/2" bushings to 1/2" barb that install into standard abs Ys as well. Commented Nov 6, 2023 at 1:36

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