We had to change the current stove we had for and induction one (long story) which I also installed. With this new one, I have a 5 wire single phase setup. I think it is because each stove module where each side must have it own connection, L and N. Since they are connected that way, I can't fit them through the quick push in connectors the electrician left.
I have several ideas, but I want to get input.
- Should I just cut the sleeving further back? (example in image) and should I take off the terminal because it also a bit thick to fit through the quick connector?
- Just remove the sleeving and leeve the terminal?
- Remove sleeving and terminal and add a new terminal? I never did that but should be straightforward.
- Remove everything and replace the 3-way connection quick connect to a 4-way?
- Breakers and everything were prepared for this type of connection.
- Our home connection is monophase, therefore, I'm showing the stove diagram for monphase connection.
Diagram of what I'm trying to explain and the brand connection diagram.