Can someone assist with confirming my suspicion that this was manufactured in 95? I am doing a remodel on a 50s home.
3Date/time of production (down to the second, often) is ink-jet dot-printed on the back of the sheet. I doubt that's a date code, though it's also pretty clearly not from the 1950's– EcnerwalCommented Sep 29, 2023 at 19:03
2Why would the date matter? Sheetrock/drywall if damaged gets ripped out and replaced. If not damaged gets painted. Only reason for date is concern about asbestos/lead paint, but you need a test is be sure anyway.– crip659Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 19:39
how do you know it's not from 2035? Looks pretty clean...– dandavisCommented Sep 29, 2023 at 20:28
@dandavis Of things to have from 2035, sheetrock is probably very far down the list. Lotto numbers, sports almanac I want, sheetrock not so much.– crip659Commented Sep 29, 2023 at 21:04
2@crip659 - sure, but based on everything else we know about this universe, sheetrock is the best we’re going to get…– Jon CusterCommented Sep 29, 2023 at 21:24
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1 Answer
The only way you'll find out from the end-tape alone is to send that image to USG and ask. Like @Ecnerwal said in the comments, the production code is going to be printed on the back of the sheet.
Based on the logo and end-tape design, I would say it's from the 80s or 90s. Panels made before the 80s rarely used two colors of ink on their end-tape, and panels that are pre-1972 rarely have end-tapes with a white background.
Red letters on a white background; late 90s rush at the latest, when they were coming still hot from the factory, +1. "The board date code is printed on the back of all gypsum board. This code lists the month, day, year, plant, and time that the board was manufactured. i. For example, a board manufactured on October 15, 2005 in Seattle at 10:15, would have a board date code of 10 15 05 S 10:15."– MazuraCommented Sep 30, 2023 at 9:27