I need to remove a chimney, patch the hole, and shingle over the patch. The chimney is adjacent to the ridge. The ridge is vented and uses plastic vents similar to this:
Some of the shingles that will need to be replaced run under the plastic vents. There is no vent in the small section of ridge right next to the chimney; the plastic vent covers run up to the chimney on either side.
Can the plastic vents be partially pulled up to patch up the roof and replace shingles underneath then nailed back down in the same spot? How to handle the ridge caps on top of the ridge vent? Does the vent need to be nailed through different spots?
CLARIFICATION: When I ask if the vents can be "partially pulled up" I mean can I pull up one end of a solid continuous unit, not "can I pull up one of these vents completely then nail it back down. The point is to disturb less material.