I am working on a building that was built in 1909 and it has an old rock foundation. For the last 2 days I have been digging a trench all along the building, about 2ft deep and about the same width.
I have been reading about different drain systems. Obviously this building was built before they had all this fancy foundation wrap and sealer, so over the years water has not been kind to it where the building is next to a road that the grade is going towards the building.
I wanted to line my trench with 6mil plastic and place gravel down about 3in and lay my corrugated pipe down it has net on it thank to Fratco and cover the pipe with gravel and back fill it and in all the stuff.
Some say to use plastic and some say use cloth so someone that has put one in and seen them work. What do you recommend please?
I can't afford to dig the whole foundation up and seal it. The basement has a gravel floor so some water I can work with and would be no big deal to me. Knitting it's a fabric that goes around the pipe as it comes out the machine that keeps debris from plugging the slots up I thank you refer it as a sock really thin water can flow through it really easily we put I in fields that has a lot of sand so it doesn't go through the pipe