I need to insulate two outdoor minisplit lines. They are 3/8 and 1/4 inch copper lines - approximately 15 feet.
Edit: They came with insulation but after several years it is damaged and needs replacement. Perhaps my problem is that I didn't cover them with the plastic guides/shields. Though even if I did this I'd still have 3-6 feet exposed as the outdoor units are several feet from the wall.
I'm wondering what material I can use that is available to the home DIYer? I want it to be UV resistant and last a long time.
I've read recommendations on Armacell/Armaflex series of products. Armashield looks like it might be the best. But I'm having trouble figuring out which product to use? And where to buy it?
Armaflex Shield looks ideal - but I don't know where I can buy it. https://www.armacell.us/blog/post/best-pipe-insulation-choice-for-line-set-hvac-and-refrigeration-applications/