I am in the process of placing drywalls on ceiling and walls. I am placing the sheets perpendicular to the studs and joists. I would like to understand better how to prevent cracking and shrinkage at joints. I am looking at butt joints between two studs or joists without support. If sheets are perpendicular there are spots where the butt will not align with a stud/joist, and the tapered joint will never have a support (because perpendicular). From research, I understand that joints can be reinforced with shims or thin wooden boards behind each joints. What is best practice?
Studs and joists are 16in on center.
- If butt and tapered joints are not align with studs or joists, do they need to be reinforced to be flush and to prevent cracking?
- Does the tape or mesh provide enough in plane strength to prevent temperature shrinkage and cracking?