The main question I have is two-fold:
- Is it legal according to the Canadian electrical code and
- How will it affect performance?
My setup:
I have my "server room" underneath the stairs, but my best access to the rest of the house for ethernet cable runs are from my furnace/electrical room. The only "path" between the two is a 3/4 inch Carlon Nonmetallic grey liquid-tight flexible conduit from HomeDepot that I ran when we did some renovations. At the time I did not read much online about it and just thought that it would be okay, but from reading similar questions now, I question my decision. And unfortunately, I won't be able to add another conduit now. I could not find any article or question specific to CAT6A alongside an armoured electrical cable so I thought I will post my first question on StackExchange.
My goal:
I am still busy setting up my first HomeLab and want to plan everything to be as future-proof as possible. I'm planning to install a switch in the electrical room to connect to all the other rooms for general ethernet access as well as connect more Wi-Fi access points where needed. But for now, my main traffic will be from my office(right above the stairs) to my "server room" underneath the stairs where all my main equipment will be.
What I understand: From reading more questions and answers is that I don't have to worry about getting a 10G connection all throughout my house and I am fine with that, as long as my installation will be safe and I get decent performance.
- Will running shielded or unshielded CAT6A make a difference in my case?
- Would armoured CAT6 be better/safer?