I need to make slots in some aluminium enclosures to accommodate a USB socket like the one shown here.
The USB socket is moulded into a 8.9mm by 4.4mm rectangle which protrudes from the rest of the housing. This rectangle needs to fit into the slot I want to cut. It's OK if there's a small gap around the rectangle, so I'm planning to make it 9mm by 5mm. The aluminium is about 2.1mm thick.
There also need to be a couple of holes at either end of the slot for the bolts that hold it in place.
- The slot is too small to consider using a conventional jigsaw.
- I could use a hand fret saw, I suppose, but I need to make lots of these, so I'd prefer to find a more efficient way.
- A router would do the job, but I find they tend to swerve when not properly guided, so the setup for each cut would be tedious. I suppose I could make a jig to keep the router from straying, but that's going to be pretty complicated.
- I haven't found a nibbler nimble enough for this tiny job.
What would you recommend for this job?
I'm trying to make it look nicer than a round hole like this:
Illustration of the Dremel problem - a 24mm disc only cuts to a depth of .9mm when the cut is 9mm long.