Last night while coming home I found that a breaker had tripped. Looked around and didn't see issues so I flipped it back on. We'll call this GFCI breaker #1. Later the breaker tripped again but I didn't realize it was a different one let's call it #2. I didn't realize this is because one bedroom has a wall on circuit #1 and the rest of the bedroom on #2. I was trying to find a possible issue for it such as a bad device, appliance, etc. Couldn't so again I flipped it back on. Later that night again breaker #2 trips. About an hour later breaker #1 trips. I left them off and went to sleep :)
What could cause 2 GFCI breakers to trip? They are completely 2 different circuits. This is the first this has happened. These are the only GFCI breakers in the house. I'm not sure why they were added since both circuits are for bedrooms. None of the bedrooms have GFCI outlets.
UPDATE 10/24 - So in the last 2 days I've had no issues. The same devices were plugged in.
Updated with image of the two breakers.