Our neighbours have a dripping overflow pipe that is right up against the side of our property. I have mentioned it to them but they don't seem concerned and are not in a hurry to get it fixed. I understand that a leaking pipe can undermine foundations is the same true of a dripping overflow pipe leading to water continuously sitting against the walls. On the one hand; external walls are supposed to be exposed to water, but on the other, its continuous water
It's dripping such that a 6 litre watering can placed underneath (neighbours solution) fills up over night.
Obviously the issue causing the overflow to leak should be fixed but I'm trying to gauge if that's entirely my neighbours problem or if it could cause damage to my house and I should be more insistent.
If relevant we are in the UK, a somewhat cold, rainy country¹ that rarely has built in AC units
¹That makes the UK sound horrible, it's a nice place really