I just found this wire while changing the light switches at a house I bought (built in 1960).
The long "fiber" on the left looks awfully suspicious, is this asbestos?
I just found this wire while changing the light switches at a house I bought (built in 1960).
The long "fiber" on the left looks awfully suspicious, is this asbestos?
That's the old, old silver fabric covered wire. It was very commonly used and is still functioning in many residences. It normally doesn't get replaced unless there are renovations being done, and then only in the areas being renovated. I seriously doubt that that particular wire contains any asbestos. Asbestos was used usually for high temperature installations, not for general residential or commercial wiring.
The only way to be 100% sure is to have it tested.
Asbestos is not a poison, it's a lung irritant that affected mostly ship builders and others that worked around asbestos day after day. And YES, it did foster asbestosis, a dangerous and usually fatal cancer. But for very very minimal exposure, it's not going to hurt you. Lawyers have cashed in on this, scaring everybody crazy about the slightest exposure.
If you are really paranoid about it, when you work on the wires/cables, with the power off of course, wet it down and work with gloves, dry it before you re-install the switch or outlet. I personally wouldn't bother with any of that, but if you are totally AR, there is no issue with additional protection. I just don't think it's needed.