You'll need two pipe wrenches, and the floor.
Place one wrench on the floor with its jaws opening upward. Place one side of the joint to be opened (that is, either the flatted section of the copper or the larger round section of the iron pipe) within the open jaws. The wrench handle should rest on the floor.
Hold the other pipe wrench with its jaws opening downward, and place it over the other side of the joint to be opened. Set up the geometry so that when the upper wrench is pressed down, the joint will unscrew. The handle of this wrench should be on the same side of the work (the two plumbing pieces) as the first wrench, but this handle should be raised perhaps 30˚above the horizontal.
Make sure both wrenches fit tightly on the work. Then apply force to the upper wrench to unscrew the two pieces. You can apply force to the wrench with either your hands or feet.
You may have to take several "bites," one after the other, to fully unscrew the pieces. Because you're working downward, you wil be able to apply more force to the wrenches than you could if working with your hands at waist or table level.