enter image description hereI am trying to change a 2 gang 2 way light switch.

The old switch has 5 wires. 2 red wires in the common , L1 brown , L2 white and L1 blue again I will try insert a picture of old set up. So I on theft side there is a red common , brown L1 and white L 2 , and the right has a red common and blue L1.

My new switch has 6 wire places. L1^1 , L1 and L1^. And on the right L2^1 , L2 and L2^2

the old switch
Click to embiggen

Back of the new switch

  • 2
    Yeah that's the new one just posted the old one , had to do screen shot as it says photo is too large to paste and I have no idea how to change it 😅 Commented Mar 11, 2022 at 13:19
  • For the Americans playing along at home the rest of the world counts switch "ways" one lower than you do.
    – Jasen
    Commented Mar 13, 2022 at 8:05

1 Answer 1


From what I can see you have brown and "white" on L1 and blue on L2

so from the markings on the back of that switch

L11 L1 . . L22

L12 . . L2 L21

it goes like this:

enter image description here

Swap the blue wire into the empty L22 position if the L2 switch is behaving upside down

The insulation on some of those wires looks very rough, I'd be considering replacing them ot at-least reinforcing the insulation with a layer of clear (or matching) heat-shrink

  • Hey thank you I put it the way you have suggested but the blue is in the top.right thus one was labeled L2¹ and its working as it should be , I put some extra tape around the exposed wires so hopefully all should be good. The joys of an old.house Commented Mar 13, 2022 at 16:36

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