My 1 yr old shower built by the contractor started leaking like a sieve. In my efforts to remedy the problem, I ended up demolishing the whole thing to the stud while throwing out moldy drywall and replacing moldy stud base plates.

He used a Kerdi shower base, but didn't apply any waterproofing to the sidewalls. I managed to save the Kerdi drain flange. It's in pretty good shape (see picture). Can I build a new Kerdi shower pan using the old flange, or should I get a new one?

the original drain flange

1 Answer 1


Schluter will not recommend reusing an already used shower drain. I would never reuse the same drain myself in my shower repairs. Although, BUILDERS reuse them all the time, to save a buck or two. But my guess is you really want to reuse it, no one can stop you from doing that. A few tips to consider: looks like you have a large flange ABS Kerdi shower drain. If the fleece fabric is intact technically it is still good. Make sure it is clean and run a water test to make sure it does not leak. Bond the new polyethylene membrane using Schluter Kerdi Coll - L only as well as the prefabricated corners and seals along the tray and curb if there is one.

  • 1
    @EndAntisemiticHate You should not edit spam, you should flag it instead. These are the rules of any Stack Exchange site.
    – Cow
    Commented Jun 18 at 5:21
  • 1
    @EndAntisemiticHate This is spam. Do not edit spam. Flag and do not engage.
    – nobody
    Commented Jun 18 at 11:22
  • @Cow for my personal education, can you please post a link to the page where that no-edit-spam rule is stated? Commented Jun 18 at 11:50
  • 1
    @Triplefault Should spam posts be edited?
    – Cow
    Commented Jun 18 at 11:55
  • From Cow's link I found another interesting point: We apparently shouldn't downvote spam either, only flag it: meta.stackexchange.com/a/193917/817621 Commented Jun 18 at 12:02

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