I have an outdoor area which is currently pebbled and retained next to a fence. I plan on removing the pebbles and turfing, and am also considering planting a green hedge because I don't like the look of the fence. The problem is the current retaining wallhas a large gap AND is on an incline ( at the junction of the front and back of the property). To complicate things, the floor of the gap is cement. I'd like to close that gap to allow for my plans above, with the possibility of creating a small retained garden bed against the fence for my potential hedge. I think the pictures will do a better job of explaining the situation
I think the "easiest" solution is to just fill the gap with soil and turf over it, but I feel as though the moisture of the soil against the fence will accelerate rot, and I have some mild worry about the soil pushing against the fence. I'd prefer to build something that will prevent these 2 problems, and I think a retaining wall is the right solution, but am unsure. The issues with building a retaining are that (1) the bottom of the gap is concrete (which makes putting posts in for a retaining wall complicated I think), (2) the gap is narrow on the front end, and (3) there is a significant incline which makes putting in a level retaining wall more difficult.
I'd be grateful for any advice/recommendations.. Thanks!