Based on your previous questions:
- You have 2 switches (US: 3-way switches). So you need a dimmer that is compatible with that wiring configuration.
- You have dimmer compatible bulbs which should work with a line voltage dimmer, but not with a low-voltage (0 - 10V) dimmer.
Unfortunately, my Hebrew is not up to the task of searching through the local Israeli hardware store web sites.
The terminology for dimming should be easy - you need something that does not mention "0 - 10V", and should mention something about "LED bulbs" or "dimmer compatible LED bulbs". If it says "incandescent" but not "LED" then it is no good.
The "3-way switch" part gets a little messy. In the US that terminology is quite standard. But it varies around the world and I don't know what they call it in Israel. There are also two ways handle this - using the existing switch in the second location (the new switch would need to be in the location with incoming power, the second switch would be the one connected to the lights) or using a second special switch as part of a matched set.
If you don't actually need the second switch, it is possible to permanently bypass it, and then any line voltage dimmer will work. However, the switch may be required (as the usual switch at the entrance to the room) or may be desired for ease of use.
If you can find a product with English translation of the instructions - e.g., an international model from a major manufacturer - then we can figure this out pretty easily. Or maybe someone with better modern Hebrew can help. (No dimmer switches in Tanach.)