As the question says. I have a tight downstairs cloakroom in my house, that I'm redesigning. The inches taken up by a typical cistern behind the toilet is a problem,it pushes the seat too close to the wall for easy use. An old fashioned "up on the wall with a chain flush" is a non starter aesthetically (to me, anyway!). But many toilets in shops and offices have touch or heat sensitive (contactless) flushes, and this gave me an idea.
Suppose I put the cistern in another room above, either in a cupboard or void space on the upstairs floor (1st floor UK, 2nd floor USA), or in the converted-bedroom loft. Then in the downstairs cloakroom I provide a pressure sensitive or touch sensitive flush button on the wall instead - but no cistern in the cloakroom, just the slim downpipe.
One problem I can imagine is water pressure might not be enough for siting in the loft, but that won't be an issue for the upstairs floor if so. A second issue might be sporadic noise at all hours - but I imagine most of the noise is in the water rushing into the toilet, not in the cistern or its refill, and I would hope to resolve this with muffling, boxing in, soundproofing etc, so the cistern end upstairs is near-silent. A possible advantage could be greater inrush to the toilet and perhaps a more effective flush?
Has anyone got experience of such a setup?
What would the pros and cons (if any) be? How big a problem would noise be upstairs, or muffling it? Are there any substantial reasons I should reconsider not doing it this way?