I have a GE side-by-side fridge with bottom freezer. It has an IMC-701 icemaker. It looks very very close to this icemaker from a Samsung freezer. It is entirely empty.
I've checked/tried:
- The water filter - there's none, it has a bypass plug, and water comes out of the water dispenser just fine
- The inlet hose - seems clear of ice
- For ice dams - there's no ice anywhere
- The fridge temp - set to 38 for fridge, -2 for freezer
- Pressing the "test button" and holding it for five seconds. Nothing happens.
- The ice detection arm - maybe it's stuck in the up position? I cannot see any way of making it come down, as the spring pushes it up every time as if it were intended to always be up.
In addition I should note that there's something dripping ice into the compartment of the fridge. I've cleaned out the drain valve recently, but there's still a layer of ice sitting on the bottom of the fridge.
Does anyone have a video of how the ice detection arm should be working on this particular model? Or any other tips or things to check?