I am upgrading some 15A outlets on a 15A circuit. Can I install 20A outlets instead of 15A outlets? If not, why not?
Will a 20A outlet on a 15A circuit pass a home inspection? Or, is it not allowed?
I'm going to be plugging in a 14000 BTU portable air conditioner and it just seems like a good idea to have a 20A outlet to reduce heating in the outlet, even if the circuit is rated only for 15A.
NOT a duplicate of Would there be a problem installing 20A switches on a 15A circuit?, because I'm asking about outlets, NOT switches.
I don't want to violate any laws either or have problems when I go to sell the house. I am located in California, in the United States. The house is an HOA-controlled condo, but I own the condo. The outlets I'm adding will be in the garage, likely on a NON-GFCI line--I'll be tapping a new outlet off of the house's interior hallway, through the wall, into the garage for a single new receptacle in the garage. The circuit is rated at 15A. I was thinking of putting a 20A outlet. I'm not sure, but maybe this is supposed to be a GFCI-outlet too, since it's in the garage--not sure.
This Amazon product review seems relevant: it indicates putting a 20A outlet on a 15A circuit is a code violation (emphasis added):
This was titled and advertised as a 15 amp device, but is actually a 20 amp device. As such, it's against safety code to use if you are on a 15A circuit. I had to return this item and purchase a 15 amp version, as installation of this would have caused me to fail inspection.
19 May 2021: I just saw this related question too: