A friend got a new apartment (5 floor building built in 2008). The walls and ceiling of the apartment were renovated a few months ago.
Unfortunately, the ceiling color (Flügger Flutex 2S) started to smell. The smell is "lying in the air" like vinegar or old socks. Very subtle but noticeable. I assume that either the new color got bad or the new color chemically reacts with the old undercoat.
A repaint was done: Primer and a completely new color applied (Ekocolor Eko 3). This removed the smell by 90 %.
However, a few days later the smell is slowly noticable again!
My guess: The wall absorbed the primer and the new color and now the smell can escape the wall again.
The question: What to do next?
A: Complete removal of the surface? That's a lot of work. There is no wallpaper, so sanding would take place on 50 m² of ceiling.
B: Using an ozone device in the entire apartment for a day. Hoping it destroys the smell particle. But I have read positive and negative things about it.
C: Paint over again - but with isolating paint
- I think anti-mould paint could have very good isolationg effects. Example "Anti-mould": https://www.amazon.de/Zentrallager-13401144-Schimmelblocker-Isoliergrund-Schimmel/dp/B0050G8RS6
- Or maybe a "Wet blocker". Example: https://www.amazon.de/0-75l-Molto-Feuchtblocker-weiss/dp/B00FSA4P4E
Doing C would be my suggestion. But I don't know which color to choose and also: Should another primer be applied before applying the color?
Can an experienced craftsman/painter can give advice?
I am certain now that it was the primer used for the walls/ceiling (and not the quality paint of Flügger). My solution was to buy (from Germany):
- Primer: "Pufas Tapeten- und Anstrichschutz"
- Isolation color: "Pufas Aqua-Deck Isolierweiß"
Which was pricy but covered the smell finally. 👍