I'm considering getting a Schlage Plymouth Keypad for our front-door but was curious how long the 9V battery typically lasts. The web site says "3 year battery life" but I'm... skeptical. =)

Has anyone used these types of locks before and if so, do the batteries need to be replaced often?


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  • 1
    Just a quick follow-up to this post. We've had this lock for over 2 years now and it's still going strong (with the stock batter). Since the bolt is turned by hand, I think it helps conserve battery life.
    – Mike B
    Commented Jan 4, 2013 at 1:12

2 Answers 2


I've used something similar on my front door for about 4 years now (4xAA instead of a 9V) and it's great not having to carry keys everywhere. On average, I change the batteries about every 12-18 months. I guess it all depends on how often you use it and how worried you are about getting locked out. Personally I don't bother testing the batteries because mine beeps angrily when they start to get low.


I used one of these with 4xAA's in an apartment with 6 college students who themselves and friends were coming and doing all day long. It was an older model and lasted about 8 months on average, which seems like pretty good mileage. They are also good about warning you when the batteries are low.

Living without keys was great.


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