I'm building a climbing wall in my basement and am currently working on the design of the angled portion. The idea is to have an 8' x 8' section (i.e. two 4' x 8' plywood sheets) at about a 30 degree angle using 2x6s. Since the 2x10 ceiling joists are 92" from the floor, I'll have a few inches of vertical section underneath the angled section.
Metolius has a very detailed instruction (How to Build a Home Bouldering Wall) that suggests attaching sleepers to the ceiling joists if they're parallel to the wall like mine are, adding a header joist, and then attaching the wall joists to the header with joist hangers:
Question: Can't I just attach the wall joists to the sleepers? Seems like the joist hangers are only needed because of the header joist, which seems redundant to me.
Similarly, I have yet to frame the wall behind the angled section, so I can space the studs such that I won't need the bottom header joist, either (and can screw in the wall joists to the studs). Will this suffice, too?