Would much appreciate your input on whether -
It's NEC 2017 approved to use the below (or similar) multi cable staple when securing NM cable within 12" of the service panel, by attaching the cable staple to the back board and putting the cables into the staple. I.e.: Can I just use that staple before routing the cable to the joists above instead of the typical white plastic staples that can usually only do 1 to 2 12/2 cables? Id just cut off that little piece that usually goes around the 2x4 so it's flat against the back board, and use both the nail and the screw. If not, and there is no way to secure the cables within 12" above the panel, what else do folks use to the side of it to staple many cables to the back board?
Do the NM cables have to be within a conduit when coming out of the service panel, on their way to the staple, and out of the staple on their way up to the joists (about a foot above the panel backboard)? I've been reading some and am all turned around on the whole conduit requirement.