I am proud I managed to put a new flushing kit into older toilet tank, removed tank and hand hacksawed off a rusted bolt and put everything back together . . . Husband was a great assistant. NOW . . . I have a hairline crack in the tank, drips one drop every 5 minutes or so. Annoying to say the least.
Is there a epoxy, sealant spray to apply to the outside of the American Standard tank, as I really do not want to drain remove and take everything apart again.
I have heard of Flex Seal and the crack is barely visible and about 4 inches under waterlevel to?
I just drained the tank without removing it . . . so hopefully I can paint something on the inside?
Can I use this first on the inside of the tank when it dries? https://www.jbweld.com/product/waterweld-epoxy-putty