My other outdoor frost-free faucet is a Mansfield 4000 series, but I have a difficult time trying to identify this other one.
Do you have reason to believe it's a different make/model? Does a close up inspection of the part reveal any mfgr/model info? Why do you need to know, simple curiosity? Repair parts?– FreeManCommented Jun 17, 2020 at 13:42
Either there are no markings or they have eroded. The overall construction looks visibly different from the other one, which I just posted a question about ( This document ( is how I determined that one's make & model. It's for future repair needs and for now mostly curiosity. I'm actually trying to fix the Mansfield. I dissembled this one trying to get some ideas but realized the difference.– Roc W.Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 14:43
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Thanks to a YouTube video, this is likely some model of B&K Mueller QuarterMaster hydrants.