I've recently moved into a new home built in June 2019. Some hairline cracks developed in some of my tiles, but I didn't worry about it too much because they were barely noticeable and the builder is not honoring his warranty. They wouldn't come out to replace their faulty AFCI breaker less than a month into my ownership.
Today, I went into my guest bathroom and noticed that the tile has cracked all the way across the entire floor. To make matters worse, these cracks are large enough that I can feel the edges, and small pieces chipped off while I ran my finger along them. No one uses this bathroom regularly and nothing has fallen on the floor.
Someone has mentioned to me that I might have a serious foundation issue. I'm scared. This is my first home, and I haven't owned it for a year. I have written the builder with images and expressed my concerns and requested that this be address as part of my 1 year warranty but I fully expect to be given grief about it. I can't afford to do major flooring repairs on a house that's brand new.
The images are attached. Can anyone offer any insight?