I'm running a pretty heavy circuit from my sub panel to the adjacent wall in the garage. I'll be pulling 6awg THHN wire through smurf tube, and then switching to PVC tube and running it down the wall. This could use anywhere from 25-35 feet of wire.
The question is, is there a best practice to routing this wire/conduit, or can I just angle it across the trusses above the ceiling, or do I need to make it run in right angles? If it doesn't matter to just route the thing however I please in the shortest way possible - this means less materials. I know this will "work", but does it seem, you know... "shitty"? :) The 6awg stuff isn't cheap and I'll be running 3 conductors and a ground. This is in a basic attic above the ceiling, no usable space, simply in the trusses.