I removed 2 fluorescent hard wired light fixtures from above my work bench. I installed an outlet in the box (on ceiling) where the 2 fixtures were hard wired in. There is a 4 way outlet box on the pegboard in front of me that has to stay hot. This 4 way is hot always.
In the ceiling box there is a white wire connected to the black ones.(?) There is 1 extra black wire in that box that I didn't hook up. I didn't know where to put it.
I plugged in the new LED fixture into the outlet, that I installed on the ceiling.
The wall switch does not work the new light. Where does the "extra black wire go?"
All outlets were checked with a circuit tester (the 2 amber/1 red light kind). All were good...2 amber lights.
I need to operate the new light with the wall switch.
Thank You one and all...