My home was built two years ago, so I would expect everything to have been done up to code. The problem is that I don't know what the metal ring in this photo is. It loops over the double pole circuit breakers, but only if in the off position. When hooked over the circuit breakers, the metal ring appears to prevent them from being pushed into the on position. The problem is, if the circuit breakers are turned on, and the metal ring were to flip over (it's fairly free to rotate), then the circuit breakers are prevented from flipping into the off position. Isn't this a valid safety concern? Yet I am confused because the hooks on these circuit breakers appear to be made to do this as seen by the hooks I have pointed out via green arrows (green speckles follow the loop I am talking about).
I am seeking to learn:
- What is this gizmo named?
- Is my safety concern valid?