I'm working on replacing an old rotary timer switch with a new smart switch, that controls two outdoor area lights. However after getting everything wired up, the switch is not turning on the lights. Here's what I'm working with.
Old rotary timer and wiring: There's also more info on the specifics of the old wiring in this post where I was originally asking what my options were.
Outdoor area light - there are two of these that the switch controls: Here's the bulb that I recently put it one of these lights. The other one has a similar bulb that was working.
New smart switch, Lutron Caseta: After wiring this up, I'm able to see the status lights on this smart switch:
When this smart switch wasn't turning on the lights, I decided to go back to the basics and installed a standard switch; however, this switch isn't turning on the lights either:
Any suggestions for what's causing the problem here and how to go about fixing it?