Really need some help. I was working on the wiring of my home air conditioning and managed to mess up the low voltage wiring. I was installing a wifi thermostat and opened the panel to add a blue wire. Discovered a lot of corrosion on the terminals. I took a picture and proceeded to clean each terminal. Well long story short. My photo wasn't clear enough for me to get all the wires back where they belong.
I'm pretty sure I got the thermostat wires correct, what has me baffled is the low voltage wires to run the outside compressor. My thermostat has power, the fan has power, but I can't get the compressor outside to run.
I did some testing, and got the compressor fan to turn on, but it's not making cold air. So I undid the wires.
Question is. I have two low voltage wires that go to my outside compressor. What should the connect to on my terminal panel.
I've attachéd a photo. Notice the two wires on the side to my compressor. It's a trane that's at least 10 years old. It's a electric furnace and single stage ac, in south Florida.