This seemed like a decent place to ask this question.
I have incredible amounts of wasps, bees spiders around my home (specifically on my porch and around my workout station outside). I also have a big issue with random sorts of bugs hovering around my porch light. I know that all of this is normal, but it's also incredibly frustrating to get a mouth full of insects as I walk out of my door at night, and annoying to traverse 6 wasps to get down my steps.
Are there wasp insecticides that keep them away? Or perhaps some scents that they dislike? I'm willing to spend money on this. It aggravates me to no end.
Thank you.
Edit: I live in West Virginia. The things I am trying to get rid of are wasps (red and black), bees (I don't want the bees dead, but to leave my porch and workout station alone). The ones near my light are all over the place at night. I have some moths, and some insects that are much too tiny for me to classify. Just hate them flying into my mouth and eyes as I walk outside.
Again: any scents, insecticides, or traps that get rid of these nuisances?