Looking for a sanity check
Could one mount an articulating arm to 25 gauge metal stud behind 3/4" drywall using a toggle bolt instead of lag bolts into wood/concrete?
Load is 13lbs., arm itself is about 6lbs., max extension is about 25" (would use to about 12").
This articulated arm wall mount is intended to be screwed into a wood or concrete stud using two 3.1 inch / 80mm lag bolts (thread length 2 inch).
After drilling the first hole I discovered it's a metal stud, not concrete / wood beneath 3/4" drywall.
I was resigned to give up right there, but wanted a second (or third) opinion.
Would a 1/4" snap toggle anchor (PDF performance data) secured to the metal stud under 3/4" drywall provide roughly the same performance? Toggler claims 464 lbs. pull-out load on 1/4" thread fastener.
The American Wood Council notes a 2" thread lag screw into Spruce-Fir-Pine (softest wood) resists pull-out load of about 319 lbs. I see roughly similar numbers elsewhere.
Am I thinking about this the right way or overlooking something that will end up in disasterland?