As can be seen by the first image( switch wiring ) , 4 black wires are connected to 1 terminal, and 3 red wires are connected to the other terminal , there is also a unconnected copper wire ( I am assuming that this is the earth )
the light was working until recently and now even after changing to several working bulbs it does not work , i have checked at the bulb using a voltage probe that its not getting any voltage.
I have a couple of questions
- the switch should switch the live line right ? , so there is no neutral at the switch ?
why would someone connect multiple live wires at the switch, this would mean that the switch connected more than one bulb/appliance ? , but it only used to switch one light in the room
given that there is a minor hole ( visible in the picture )in the black cable ( assuming its the live wire), is it possible that it shorted with the earth ? , i have checked the breakers but they seem fine but noticed that the breakers are really really old wire fuse type ones.
is it possible that the switch is fried ? , since there is power at the switch but not at the light ?
BTW i am located in Brisbane, Australia