In my laundry room I have a closet with a gas hot water heater and on the wall to the outside in this closet are two vents going outside. This obviously presents a heat leak as you can feel the cold air coming into the laundry room. I would like to close this up but I am not sure if that would present an issue due to the hot water heater being gas. Is there a reason those vents are there and is there anything I can do about it?
1 Answer
Your gas water heater needs air to burn the gas. Without the vent, there's a possibility of air being sucked in through the flue instead, which could fill your house with carbon monoxide. So yes, you need the vent.
The exterior vent should have a flap/door on it that closes when there is no need for additional combustion air. If yours doesn't, then get it replaced with one that does.
Don't forget, it's an intake. So the flapper has to open in, not out. Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 15:48
Ah thanks, it doesn't have the flapper so I need that. Commented Dec 19, 2016 at 15:48