You are undone. You have 130A of loads which are quite conceivably on at the same time, so you need #1 or #0 wire. I would err on the high side, honestly. I'd even think about 2/0.
You also need four conductors unless the conduit is all-metal in which case you need three.
1" conduit will only support #4 wire (85A) in four conductors... Or #2 wire (115A) in three conductors**. And even then, you're at conduit limits, which makes for a rather miserable pull... for which you'll need special tools and skill not lending itself to DIY.
If this is a DIY, then dollar for dollar, it'd be far cheaper to install 2" conduit so you can easily and legally pull what you need.
** 130A is allowed with 90C terminations, but good luck finding those... and you'd really want to run that by your local inspector before buying anything. I mean you do expect to occasionally run the wire at actual full capacity, literally, people would burn their fingers if they touched the conduit. Seems a bit crazy.