In our very old stone farmhouse, there is a wetroom downstairs with a shower drain. Ever since having the septic tank emptied, and then replaced with a treatment plant, a foul stench comes from the shower drain.
There is no smell from the toilet and sink in the same wetroom.
There is an obvious escape pipe up the front of the house which serves the kitchen sink and upstairs bathroom, none of which smell.
I can't see any obvious escape pipe for the wetroom in the back. But it's strange that the sink and toilet don't smell, only the shower. All the pipes go out the front to the septic drain, so I guess the wetroom is connected at a distance to the front escape pipe.
Is it possible to deduce anything from the picture of the shower drain or general knowledge about a possible cause for this (including the escape pipe answer)? It would be great to get rid of this smell without having to replumb the entire room, but I can accept that too if I have to!