Is it code-compliant and safe to add 2 single pole breakers for 15A GFCI and 30A RV hook up circuits to this service disconnect panel? I opened the panel and pulled wires in expecting separate ground and neutral busses. When i realized ground and neutral were tied together on a single bus i stopped.

The double pole breaker is for a mini-split HVAC system installed before i bought the house. I am going to replace the romex with THHN for the 15A GFCI. photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

1 Answer 1


It's normal and customary for the main (first) panel to have ground and neutral sharing the neutral bus, as the (one, singular) neutral-ground bond is there.

If all other panels are wired as sub-panels with separate ground and neutral wires and no bond, then all is as it should be.

It's nearly all dual-rated at this time, (THHN & THWN) but you do need THWN (or XHHW, or some other wire coded with a W) to run in outside conduit that is defined as a wet location (and usually meets the definition.) NM/B (Romex) is, of course, totally unacceptable there.

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