My Fiance and I were walking through Target to find a lamp for the corner of our living room. We saw this one that we kind of liked
But the price was way too high and the panels were too small. I thought that I could possibly make it and I want to know if I'm considering all the right materials (since I'm new to this). I think I would need:
- Screws (specific size?)
- Screw driver
- 1" x 1" segments of wood
- 3' x 3' panels for each base
- Stain
- Finish
- Some linen for the top
- A lightbulb base with a cord running out the bottom of it
- A bit to drill a .5" hole in the top panel (for the wire to route)
- Some staples to route the cable along the top panel and down the leg (to look nice)
- A light bulb
- Some wood glue for extra stability
Also I'm not sure how I would use the linen to recreate the top part. Notice how the fabric/material is on the inside of the wood segment/leg. How would I recreate that?