Small single story condo in southern California. Newer horizontal attic mounted gas FAU with new ductwork.
There is no heat in the bathrooms and adding electric heat is not an option.
Are there reasons why I wouldn't want to add a small register in each bathroom? If it's okay, then my main HVAC question is if each register needs to be a home run back to the plenum or can I feed both registers from a single run such as the following? (I know not to takeoff from the end of the plenum)
Plenum 6" flex > 10x4 to 6 (guest bath) > 6" flex > end boot 10"x4" to 6" (master bath)
With respect to flex duct should this be an 8" to guest, reduce to 6" to master or is a 6" duct probably okay for both? Total branch from plenum to end boot is under 10'.
The bathroom sizes
Guest: 7'6"x5'0" (37 SQFT) (Left on floor plan)
Master: 8'4"x5'6" (45 SQFT)