- Location: West Bengal India.
- Electrical supply: 240V AC.
- Model: IFB TL-SDR 6.5 Kg Aqua.
Question: Should I install a stand pipe for waste water draining for now, or later, if the washing machine model is changed?
Question: Should I install a stand pipe for waste water draining for now, or later, if the washing machine model is changed?
Based on the instructions you provided, and as noted in a comment, no, you don't appear to need a drain pipe for your washer. That seems to address the factual portion of your question.
As to should you, well, that's a matter of opinion. Opinion based questions are off-topic here because there's no practical way we can answer for you. However, I believe I can give you a general guideline to help you make your determination.
If the answer to both is 'Yes', it seems like adding the drain pipe would be a reasonable thing to do.
If the answer to 2 is 'yes', you may want to do the install even if 1 is 'no' because "while we're at it...".
If the answer to both is 'no', then this seems to be an unnecessary extra step.
In any case, be sure to install this washing machine according to its instructions.