I'm still working on the world's slowest DIY fencing project.
If you look at my old diagram from a few months back, you'll see I had a spot for the terminal post picked out next to my house in front of a drain spout.
Well, after digging down about 6 inches, I came to a bit of a dead stop. There's a large immobile chunk of concrete down there, and oddly wood as well.
I finally figured out that this was probably the remnants of my old fencepost. There used to be a fence here, but a contractor took it down because this was the only side of my house with (barely) enough room to squeeze his heavy equipment through to get at my big retaining wall in the back I needed him to work on. Not wanting to go trough this again is why I'm set on making that gate as wide as possible between the tree and the house.
So what it looked like happened is that rather than pulling up the old posts, this one at least was just broken off with the (probably 2 foot deep) cement stub left buried in the ground.
I figure I'm probably going to have to just move my fence post somewhere else. Either further up the house (in which case I'll need a third post to jog around that tree), or past the downspout, which will be really tricky to avoid the underground part of the downspout and to clad the metal post around that spout.
But I thought before I do that I ought to ask if there are any tricks anyone knows to deal with a 2 foot deep buried blob of concrete and broken fence post? I'm thinking that's probably beyond a one person DIY level effort.
Update on this:
I tried attaching a pair of concrete eyebolts into the concrete, as suggested in a couple of the answers here. I used a 4x4 as a lever,put the fulcrum up near the hole, and stood on the other end. Unfortunately, the eyebolts came out before the concrete pug moved.
I'm not sure that approach is going to work without digging out around the plug a lot more (at which point I could just run a chain or strap around the plug itself and dispense with the bolts). The problem there is that its so close to the house that its really difficult to dig out between the two. I think I may just be down to burying it and planting my pole elsewhere.
Final update:
I never could figure out how to get this out with the tools I had, so I just bailed and moved my designated post hole to the other side of the downspout (about 3 squares down on the diagram). It worked out pretty well. However, I did discover the old post is leaning quite a bit. The previous neighbor who DIY'ed that fence just buried the wood 4x4 posts in the dirt, with only a little concrete down at the bottom of the hole, and of course they are rotting where its wood on dirt. The new neighbor has told me he wants to replace the fence. So that's probably in the offing at some point, which will cause me to also have to redo that run from my post by the tree to the common fencepost.