In the picture below, the existing pipe that is used by the condensate pump runs across the red line in the figure (it does not connect exactly there but that is the idea)
That line is a clear pvc tubing, 0.2" diameter, old and turned brownish. I want to replace it.
I don't think it is properly sized and connected as the pump needs to push twice to send the water through it. (probably some is coming back) It was also explained that the purpose of a condensate pump is to pump the water up to a level and then a gravity should take it on further.
Since this existing pipe is traversing the ceiling to get to the bathroom there is no slope and I am considering installing a drain across the blue line you see in the picture.
What material and what size should I use ? 1.5" ABS ?
Is there anything smaller like 1" or 1/2" that can be used in this case?