We have an existing wraparound driveway, and with our daughters looking to get cars we're looking to add a few pads on the side for parking. I called around to talk to different contractors, as well as posted on Craigslist. Google tells me it should cost $7 - $10 installed, so I estimated a budget of $3k for approximately 300 square feet.
I've now received seven quotes. Five of them fall between $5000 and $6600 ($16 - $22 / sqft). One was $2500 and another was $1700 ($6 - $8 / sqft). The numbers vary wildly, and I'm wondering why they're so different. Specifically, my concerns are that because I don't understand what can cause the difference in cost:
- I may miss that one contractor is using superior materials or techniques
- I may miss communicating a part of the project scope that matters to the cost
In all cases I have communicated a need for minimum 4" thickness and 4000 psi concrete, as well as a need for them to haul away dirt after digging and finish/texture the driveway to match the existing. What else may account for the wild variations in quotes? I don't want to pay way more than I need to as money is tight, but I also don't want to end up with a maintenance headache a few years down the road.