I have two switches at the bottom of my stairs in the basement. One switch is a three way to the switch at the top of my stairs. The other switch lights a series of lights all connected to the same circuit. One of those lights is in the pantry and what I would like to do is isolate that light from the rest by adding a single pole switch to the room. The switch at the bottom of the stairs would still light up the rest of the lights.

Bottom of stairs one single pole switch to a group of lights a three way switch to the top of the stairs Hot lead from dual switch bottom of stairs going into the pantry room First light in the series that are activated by the switch at the bottom of stairs. Second light in the series that I want to isolate from the rest. This light is in the pantry that requires its own switch

Inside the box at the bottom of the stairs

  • It depends on how it is wired if that light has a run to the switch location you could be in luck and adding a 2 switch on 1 yoke could bee all that is needed but some photos of the wires in the switch box would be helpful in figuring this out.
    – Ed Beal
    Commented Dec 23, 2018 at 21:30
  • 1
    How hard would it be to feed a new cable from the bottom-of-the-basement-stairs switch box to the pantry? Commented Dec 23, 2018 at 21:36
  • I can add a new hot from the bottom of the stairs or I can make a junction in the ceiling and feed the new switch and existing light. Not sure if that works or not? Commented Dec 23, 2018 at 21:38
  • I could show photos but not sure how to do that as I am a bit of a newb in this forum Commented Dec 23, 2018 at 21:39
  • 1
    Is there an always-hot available in the ceiling? Can you post a photo of the inside of the box for the bottom-of-stairs switches for that matter? Commented Dec 24, 2018 at 0:34

1 Answer 1


Based on the input by the contributors, I was able to make an informed decision. I passed a new cable down through the wall to the main switch box at the bottom of the stairs. I wired in the new wire and passed the wire across to the pantry room. I removed the wire from the fixture and tied those together in a junction box. I passed the new cable down to the new box and passed a new wire from the box to the existing electrical box. The fixture box is plastic and doesn't have a ground screw so I just capped it off with a wire nut. I wired the light and the switch without any issue.

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