I need to attach two sheets of plywood to drywall. One in the closet to mount networking equipment and the other one overhead to mount climbing training board. The closet one does not have to be as sturdy, but I intend to use it as a test for the mounting process.
My walls have narrowly spaced steel studs. I plan to use toggler snaptoggle anchors, carefully locate the studs and install anchors right into them.
The next step puzzles me: how do I reliably transfer anchor locations from the wall to the plywood to drill bolt holes?
I was thinking of employing some sort of coordinate transfer method with a ruler, but I’m not sure it will be precise enough (in my execution).
If I didn’t have to choose anchor location carefully, I’d just drill through the plywood & the wall and would get perfectly matching holes. What to do if anchor are pre-installed?