What’s the highest breaker I can use in my main breaker box (100A service) to power my sub panel in the garage panel?
The sub panel is a 100A box doesn’t have a main breaker. If I have 50A in the main, how high can I go in both panels to get the power I need without creating issues?
The breaker that powers my garage right now is 50A with E18679 (ul) AWG 8 cu 3 CDR with AWG10 ground type Hm-B 600volts wire connecting the sub to the main.
Can I just change to a larger breaker in my main and put a big enough one in my sub panel to keep my welder and compressor running off one breaker, or do I need one breaker for each and what size should put in the main to handle those two things? What size breakers in the sub panel in the garage?